Power, Pleasure, Priorities with Chamica Nicole
Chamica and I recorded this episode almost 3 weeks ago. In light of recent events, I held off on releasing it as I thought it may be perceived as insensitive to be talking about orgasms, female pleasure, and radiance amidst protests, riots, and civil unrest. I discussed it with Chamica, and then I realized this topic is more timely than ever.
We explore the dynamics of systemic oppression in this episode, and how to reclaim your power, pleasure, and priority! If you are someone who has been mentally and physically exhausted with patriarchy, systemic oppression, sexual shaming/judgments, and attempts to be controlled, but you don't know how to escape it, you are going to love this episode with spiritual coach, and pleasure warrior of the divine feminine, Chamica Nicole! If you are interested in taking a deeper look at cultural oppression and how it lands in the bodies of women, you want to elevate the voices of female healers and particularly women of color.. you're also going to love this episode!!
We break it down: Why we've reclaimed the word "pussy" and find it less vulgar than clinical terms What cultural oppression has to do with sexual health How to reclaim your power and your pleasure by reclaiming your body Matrilineal societies and how owning women's bodies was about owning land How to break free from systemic oppression and handle the backlash 3 things you can do TODAY to be in your pleasure, own your radiance Why hanging onto yourself is the only way to change another person, or the system We also tell a few stories.. maybe you can relate.
**** FURTHER LINKS TO THE SOURCES MENTIONED IN VIDEO: "Sex in Our Strange World | Why Matriarchy Means Better Sex and a Better Society": https://amuse.vice.com/en_us/article/...
"The Taming of the Screw: Reflections on A New View of Women's Sexual Problems" by Gina Ogden PhD https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/1...
Natasha's research paper on Mindfulness and Female Arousal: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p50ow4fvw77...
We welcome your respectful comments and questions.
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Stay tuned for another juicy episode next time!
Host: Natasha Edwina, LMFT
CoHost: Chamica Nicole
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/natasha.edwina
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OasisofAware...
website/Oasis of Awareness newsletter sign-up: https://www.natashaedwina.com/
For inquiries or a consult with Chamica:
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/venusmooncr...
website: bit.lymonarchzen.com bit.lyvenusmoon.com