What Does it Mean to Have Integrity in Relationships with Shophar Graves
Surprise! Kirti took the night off for some much needed rest and her partner Shophar joined me for last night's topic in a last minute switcheroo.
Shophar is co-facilitator of my group INCLUSION with me. He's also a qigong instructor who does work with sacred sexuality, energy work sessions, couples, and men's groups.
What a surprise and delight to have this deep, authentic conversation with him about creating all types of relationships in integrity.
We talk about:
How the movie Eternals relates to a shifting paradigm of relationships
How ancient philosophies and cultures have impacted current day relationship models
How patriarchy and white supremacy sneaks into our love relationships when we start getting caught in hierarchies and desiring pieces of people to meet our needs rather than seeing them as whole.
What nature and animals teaches us about human relationships and staying present in moment-to-moment shifts
When equality isn't the goal
The complexity with polarity and gender roles .. it's not that simple
What commitment really is … and how to look at it differently
What you best be doing to prepare if you're going to hang your shingle out to help people navigate all this for a career (how to be in integrity)
I hope you enjoy this episode and find something here to help you show up more authentically for your relationships and your tribe!
We welcome your respectful comments and questions.
Thanks for being here, and please subscribe and share with those who can benefit! Stay tuned for more juicy episodes every Monday @ 7PM PST.
Host: Natasha Edwina, M.A., LMFT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natasha.edwina
CoHost: Shophar Graves
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fo_sho_energy_work/
Website: http://foshoenergywork.com/