Femuline Energy in Relationships with Kirti Srivastava

As the feminine energy on the planet rises we are all a little confused…

everything from the authoritarian/hierarchical backlash to women’s empowerment, more female breadwinners, more feminine leaders, and more collaborative leadership & entrepreneurship styles…

to pharmaceutical and Western Medicine/linear backlash to the more feminine intelligences such as emotional/mental health, intuition, personalized medicine, and an expansion/acceptance of wholistic medical systems (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Systems Theory and Systems Biology)….

to the biological & immune system backlash to feminizing of males from the estrogenic plastics, phthalates (in artificial fragrances), BPAs, and pesticides that reduce testosterone to almost infertility, shrink penises, and raise estrogen so high in women they get cancer….

Everyone is a little confused, and everyone is a little bit right.

Yes, we need to let males be males.

Yes, we need to let females be females.

(Yes, polarity creates attraction. But like also attracts like.)

Yes, we need to let people who don’t feel a full expression of either (or feel both!) to be non-binary.

Yes, we need to let people express their masculine if they are in a female body.

Yes, we need to let people express their feminine if they are in a male body.

The only box one should be in is the one they themselves create and endorse.

Why is this so hard for some folks to accept?

Because we live in a binary world. It’s programmed into us everywhere we turn.

Angel vs. Demon

Hero vs. Villain

Perpetrator vs. Victim

Masculine vs. Feminine

Hetero vs. Homo

Vax vs. Unvax

Republican vs. Democrat

Winner vs. Loser

The truth is a very small minority exists on the extreme end of either of these pure binaries. Almost all of us are on the spectrum in between, and sliding back and forth on any given day or life phase depending on the context and the situational ethics. Trying to figure out where we fit in.

It’s the delicate balance that’s needed for a thriving system.

But the pressure to be one or the other, my goddess!!

People are so concerned with fitting in, because being outside of the herd can be life threatening. Why can’t we have more INCLUSION for membership to the herd of humanity?

We’re seeing increasing consequences for outliers, with increasing pressure to conform with increasing societal stress This is called “societal regression” in Bowen Family Systems Theory. In the family it’s called “emotional fusion”.

@Prince said that if you want to break out of oppression and other people’s boxes, CREATE.

What is your unique expression? Who are you, separate from what society socially constructed you as, and prescribed for you?

Please claim your liberation because YOUR unique expression is keeping the system balanced and healthy, whether it’s in your microbiome, your relationship, or in the world.

@dilse.kirtidance and I talk about what “femuline” energy looks like in a relationship (a term I borrowed from @Todrick latest album). Listen in.

You get to define what works in your relationship. Your genitalia doesn’t define your role. Be your truest self. Expand your throat chakra. Show the fuck up as a leader in what you do well and do the damn thing.


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