Driver’s Ed: Why Your Libido is Like a Car
When we come at libido from the point of view that it's a drive (like our desire for food or water, and our need for sleep are drives) and combine it with dominant and stereotypical ideas about libido in society around us (he likes it often, her not so much, there's less of it after babies etc) we can set ourselves up to feel really down about ourselves when sex doesn't flow, like maybe there's something wrong with us.
Instead of having these as our predominant understanding of libido, the brake and accelerator model allows us to understand libido from the lens of our own experience and what does and doesn't work specifically for us.
You can then adapt your libido to suit changing circumstances in your life by tweaking the interplay between your brakes and accelerators.
Emma McCann is your pleasure coach. Emma supports women to experience intuitive, mindful and embodied pleasure in life and bed, with the ultimate purpose of creating a life that truly sustains you.
Emma blends her skills from psychology, trauma-informed practice, yoga, tantra, meditation, intuition, the science of desire and arousal and pleasure to regulate the nervous system, rewrite shitty life training and come home to the innate wisdom and knowing within you, letting that guide you into increasing self awareness, unconditional self acceptance and deliciously intimate love.
Join me and this Australian Beauty for this super “fast and furious” topic perfect for kicking off Aries season!
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Host: Natasha Edwina, M.A., LMFT
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CoHost: Emma McCann